Objednací kód: 8134974,Part No.: 20044684+20044684,Záruka spotřebitel/ostatní: 24 měsíců / 3 měsíce
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ale tento produkt je beznadějně vyprodán a nebo je pouze dostupný jako dárek k vybranému výrobku. Vyberte si, prosím, ze související nabídky níže.
Norton Internet Security 2010 poskytuje nejrychlejší a nejefektivnější dostupnou ochranu před online hrozbami.1 Chrání váš počítač, síť, činnosti online a vaši identitu pomocí inovačních a chytrých technologií zjištění, které jsou optimalizované pro boj s dnešními agresivními a rychlými útoky.
Vylepšená technologie Norton Safe Web blokuje internetové hrozby dříve, než mohou infikovat váš počítač. Nyní tedy můžete bez obav procházet Internet, nakupovat a využívat bankovní služby online. Dokonce vás varuje před nebezpečnými webovými stránkami přímo ve výsledcích vašeho vyhledávání. Poskytuje srozumitelné informace o výkonu a hrozbách, které vám pomáhají vyhnout se budoucím hrozbám a udržet vysoký výkon vašeho počítače.
• Norton™ Safe Web
– NEW! Safe Search identifies unsafe and dangerous web sites right in your search results.
– NEW! Norton™ IdentitySafe On-The-Go lets you access your most up-to-date log-ins and passwords on any Norton Internet Security 2010 protected PC by using a USB drive.
– NEW! Analyzes downloads, files and applications and lets you know if they can be trusted to be safe before you install and run them.
– IMPROVED! Norton™ Identity Safe provides one-click log-ins and automatic form filling to help prevent key loggers from stealing your information, speed up log-ins, and make shopping online even more convenient.
• NEW! Norton™ Insight Network uses Symantec’s global security intelligence network to provide real-time proactive protection from the newest threats.
– Norton™ Insight identifies files that can be trusted, then scans only files at risk for faster, fewer, shorter scans.
– NEW! Norton™ Download Insight reports warn you of dangerous downloads before you install and run them.
– NEW! Norton™ Threat Insight reports tell you what actions threats have taken and where they came from so you can avoid future attacks.
– NEW! Norton™ File Insight reports tell you where files and applications came from and if they’re trusted before you use them. They also tell you how files and applications may be impacting your PC’s performance.
• NEW! SONAR™ 2 (Symantec Online Network for Advanced Response) uses real-time online intelligence from the Norton™ Insight Network and proactive monitoring to help detect the latest breaking threats and stop today’s aggressive rapid-fire attacks.
• NEW! Professional-strength antispam protection uses the same technology that many large businesses rely on to effectively block unwanted, dangerous, and fraudulent emails.
• NEW! Norton™ System Insight provides tools and easy-to-understand system information to help keep your PC performing at optimal speed.
– NEW! provides a view of recent events on your computer, giving you the information you need to research and analyze problems with your PC.
– NEW! Performance graphs and reports help you pinpoint what’s causing your computer to slow down.
– NEW! Tells you how files and applications impact your PC’s performance.
• NEW! Automatic and on-demand application optimization rejuvenates application performance.
• NEW! Automatically delays program updates and similar activities if you are watching TV or burning CDs/DVDs
• NEW! Power Saver Settings help you extend battery life by allowing you to put off power-intensive activities until your PC is plugged-in. So you can protect laptops and notebooks by optimizing computing time.
• NEW! Monthly Report tells you what Norton has done in the past month so you can stay actively aware of how it’s protecting you and your PC. It even includes links to the latest information on Norton’s fight against cybercrime as well as tips and hints for staying safe online.
System Requirements:
Norton™ Internet Security 2010
Microsoft® Windows® XP (32-bit) with Service Pack 2 or later Home/Professional/Media Center
Microsoft® Windows Vista® (32-bit and 64-bit) Starter/Home Basic/Home Premium/Business/Ultimate
Microsoft® Windows 7® (32-bit and 64-bit) Starter/Home Basic/Home Premium/Professional/Ultimate
Internet connection required for product activation
Minimum Hardware Requirements
• 300 MHz or faster processor
• 256 MB of RAM (*512 MB RAM required for Recovery Tool)
• 300 MB of available hard disk space (Optional Norton Add-On Pack requires an additional 120 MB of available hard disk space.)
• CD-ROM or DVD drive (if not installing via electronic download or using a USB key version for Netbooks)